Additional Various Quotations Lastly Compiled

It is better to light 
a candle than to 
curse the darkness.

Wars are born in the minds of men. We need peace of mind.


Talk because you have 
something to say, 
not because you 
must say something.

Every bigot 
was once a 
child free of 

Do what you say. 
Say what you think. 
Do not say 
everything you think.

Nothing is interesting
if you are not interested.

Whatever you want to do, 
do it now. 
There are only 
so many tomorrows.

If you think you 
have no fault, 
that is possibly 
the worst one.

The lies that we tell 
ourselves are more 
dangerous than the 
lies that we tell others. 
For example, “I’m busy to exercise.”

The future has to be detected, not created.

Most people know 
many ways to feel bad, 
and only a few ways 
to feel truly good.

Do not be caught 
in the trap of 
making a living 
rather than 
designing a life.

Nothing happens 
unless first a dream.

We know the 
right thing to do. 
The hard part is doing it.

It should be 
“better never late” 
and not 
“better late than never”.

The more I want to get 
something done, 
the less I call it work.

Questions you fail to ask also shape your Destiny.

Let a pig and 
a boy have 
everything they want, 
and you’ll get 
a good pig and 
a bad boy.

Prayer is answered while you are working, not when you are asking.

Focus on where 
you want to go, 
not on what you fear.

Car manufacturer’s formula for a successful marriage; Stick to one model!

By thought, 
the thing you want 
is brought to you; 
by action you receive it.

A friend is one 
who knows everything 
about you and 
still wants to 
be your friend.

It is not the greatness 
of our troubles, 
but the littleness 
of our faith that 
makes us complain.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!

Failure is not falling 
down but staying down.

To get better answers, 
ask better questions.

Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

The origin of success 
is a belief that 
something within you 
is superior to circumstance.

If you have a 
Why to live for, 
you can bear 
with almost any How.

The really happy person is one who has sought and found how to serve.

Measure twice, 
cut once.

If you don’t stand for something, 
you’ll fall for anything.

Truth’s advantage over a lie: you need to say it only once.

Those who never 
make mistakes 
never make discoveries.

If you want to 
increase your happiness, 
make sure your 
wants don’t increase.

There are no 
coincidences in life. 
Everything happens 
for a reason.

How you behave when you don’t know what to do will revealt your true character.

What lies behind us 
and what lies 
before us are 
tiny matters 
compared to what 
lies within us.