Additional Quotation About Love

Love begins with a smile, 
grows with a kiss, 
and ends with a teardrop.

We always believe 
our first love is our last 
and our last love is our first.

We come to love not 
by finding a perfect person, 
but by learning to see on 
imperfect person perfectly.

The way to love 
anything is to realize 
that it might be lost.
                  -  G.K. Chesterton


Love is shown in your deeds, 
not in your words.
-            Fr. Jerome Cunnings

Where there is love, there is life.
- Gandhi

We look forward to the time 
when the power to love of will 
replace the love of power. 
Then will our world know 
the blessings of peace.
-            William Gladstone

The supreme happiness in life 
is the conviction that we are loved.
- Victor Hugo

To love someone deeply 
gives you strength. 
Being loved by someone deeply
gives you courage.
-                   Lao Tzu

Absence diminishes 
small loves 
and increases 
great ones, 
as the wind blows 
out the candle 
and blows up the bonfire.
     - Rouchefoucauld

The heart has reasons 
that reason cannot know.
-                                        Pascal

Love one another 
and you will be happy. 
It’s as simple 
and as difficult as that.
-                     Michael Leunig

To love and win 
is the best thing. 
To love and lose 
the next best.
       -William M. Thackeng

We cannot really love 
anybody with whom 
we never laugh.
            - Agnes Repplier

And when the future 
hinges on the next 
words that are said, 
don’t let logic interfere, 
believe your heart instead.
-                          Philip Robinson

‘Tis better to have loved 
and lost than never 
to have loved at all.
-  Alfred, Lord Tennyson, In Memoriam, 1850

Love without reason 
lasts the longest.

Better never to have met you 
in my dream than 
to wake and reach 
for hands that are not there.
-  Otomo No Yakamochi

Love is the language of heaven, the heartbeat of God and the message of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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