"A" Collections on Quotation

After those Remarkable Quotes of Mother Theresa my collections now were categorized...


The air is clean
after the rain.
Just like the heart 
after the pain.

Anger is only one letter
short of danger.

Beautiful young people
are arts of nature.
But beautiful old people
are works of art.

When all things are alike,
then "no one is thinking".

By asking for the "impossible",
we obtain the possible.

The "deepest principle"
in human nature 
is craving to be appreciated.

Many receive advice; 
few profit from it.

The shy man will not learn;
the impatient man should not teach.
Ask and learn.

To talk without thinking,
is to shoot without aiming.

Anger makes a fool
out of the wise.

He who conquers his anger,
has conquered and enemy.

To think is to act.

The art is not making money,
but in keeping it.

Half the agony of living is waiting.

Be not easily discourage, persevere to
the pursuit of your legitimate

One of the attractive things about
the flowers is their beautiful

Credentials are not the same
as accomplishments.

Ability is nothing without

Every accomplishments
starts with a decision to try...

It is much easier to apologize,
than to ask permission...

We see things not as they are,
but as we are...

To achieve great things,
we must live as though we're
never going to die.

Start with what is right
rather than what is acceptable...

Aim high and hit the mark!

Everybody knows good advice
except him who needs it...

Creative imagination is the
starting point of achievement...

When we cannot act as we wish,
we must act as we can...

Act well at the moment, and you
have performed a good action to all eternity.
- Johann Kasper Lavater

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