"P" Collections on Quotation

Poets are the hierophants of an
unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors
of the gigantic shadows which
futurity casts upon the present.

Poetry is the record of the best
and happiest moments of the happiests
and best minds.

Poets are the unacknowledged
legislators of the world.

One pulse of PASSION - youth's fiery glow
is worth the hoarded proverbs of the sage;
vex not thy soul with dead philosophy;
have we not lips to kiss with,
hearts to love and eyes to see?
- Oscar Wilde

the person who sends out
positive thoughts
activates the world
around him positively
and draws back
to himself
positive results.

It is impossible to PERSUADE a man
who does not disagree but smiles.

Smart PEOPLE keep quiet about
what they know, but stupid people
advertise their ignorance.
      - Proverbs 12:24

Someone who is always thinking about
happiness is a fool. A wise PERSON
thinks about death.
- Ecclesiastes 7:4

Loneliness and the feeling of being
unwanted is the most terrible poverty.

If you don't have a plan for yourself,
you'll be a part of someone else.

While we pursue the unattainable
we make impossible the realizable.

Praise loudly, blame softly.

People learn from their failures.
Seldom do they learn anything
from their success.

The biggest problem in the world
could have been easily solved
when it was small.

A person who walks in another's
tracks leaves no footprints.

People differ not only in their
ability to do but also in their 
"will to do".

Hire the best people and then

What we learn with pleasure
we never forget.

Patience is bitter but it's
fruit is sweeter.

The will to persevere is often
the difference between failure
and success.

It is easier to fight for one's
principle than to live up to them.

Better poor with honor than
rich with shame.

The best way to escape from a
problem is to solve it.

Problems can become opportunity
when the right people come

A penny saved is a penny earned.

The greater the power, the more
dangerous the abuse.

If you are patient in one moment
of anger, you will escape a hundred
days of sorrow.

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