"T" Collections on Quotation

TIME is gold...


The 'greatest THING' in the world, is to
know how to be on your own.

Essence of TIME
Ours is not to choose
How long we can live
but to live
as well as we can.

The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.
          - Williams Arthur Ward

Trust everyone, but make sure that
you have enough space for stepping

Time is the true narcotic for pain.

The tongue is practically weighs
nothing. But few people can hold it.

Let all things be done decently and
in order.

When you teach your son, you 
teach your son's son.

There is a time for work and time
for love. That leaves no other

Remember that time is money.

When time flies, it cannot be

Time flies, don't waste it.

Think before you speak and
look before you hop.

Tomorrow is often the
busiest day of the week.

Second thoughts are
invariably wiser.

A thought is often original,
though you have uttered a
hundred times.

Take time...to know yourself.
Make time...to be yourself, and
learn to love yourself. Remember
it is not only important to give to
others. But learn to give to

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