"W" Collections on Quotation

True 'wealth' is what you are,
not what you have.

When you can't have what 'you WANT';
it's time to start wanting what you have.


The WORLD was on thy page of victories
but a comma.

Nothing in the WORLD is single. All things
by a law divine in one spirit meet and

TRUE WORTH is in being not seeming --
In doing, each day that goes by,
Some little good -- not in dreaming of great
things to do by and by.

Worrying is an insult to God.

I wish that one day you will miss
me so much that no matter how
hard you look for me, you wouldn't
find me. Why? 'Cause I want you to
miss me the way I missing you now.

Wise men say nothing in dangerous


A wise man changes his mind,
a fool never.

If you walk straight, you
will not be stumble.

The will to win is important
but the will to prepare is vital.

Know your weaknesses to be


Whatever is worth doing at
all, is worth doing well.

The most wasted day is that

in which we have not any laughed.

The best wealth is health.

Work spares us from three
great evils: boredom, vice and

Most of the world's troubles;
are caused by people
wanting to be 

To win, you must risk loss.

Work does not end until your
two hands are laid upon your

To know how to wait is the
great secret of success.

Let us work without disputing; it is

the way to render life tolerable.

Good words are worth much,
and cost little.

Wisdom brightens a man's face.

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