Why Me Lord?

Amidst heavy burdens and trials,
Amidst life’s difficulties,
I have often asked God this question,
“Why me Lord? Why this, Lord?”

One day, in a soft gentle voice in my heart
He answered me.
“But why not you, my child?
It is you I have chosen to share with Me
This cross, this special privilege
I know you can bear it patiently for My sake
Because I will give you the strength for it…
My strength
I know this cross will bring you closer to Me
because you will need to depend on Me


I know you will come out of this cross with victory
As my own cross ended in victory too.
My child, today I give you My love, My hope, and My joy.
A burning love that will pull you through all difficulties in life
A hope that will keep you persevering
Knowing that trials are temporary
And a victory always awaits those who trust in Me,
A joy not without pain
But a joy despite pain and suffering
A joy that will be your weapon and strength in adversity
A joy that will touch the hearts of many
A joy planted deep in your soul and no one can take away from you.
I know you will be a good witness of my great love, My child,
That is why I share my cross with you.”

I answered:
“Lord, now I understand.
Give me the grace to accept each cross I carry
As a special privilege rather than a burden,
Even just saying it seems hard, Lord
But with you at my side always
I’ll pull through with courage. Amen.”

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