
    I am pained because you are now suffering inside you. Yet, I am happy too that you have turned to me in your suffering instead of escaping your problem with worldly means as others do. I have given you this privilege of sharing in my cross as part of “my special love for you”.
    As I as carry your cross with you, I suffer with you, too, as I will also be with you in your resurrection when your suffering will turn into joy and this will be soon.
    Remember that I carefully weigh each cross you carry. I make sure it is not too light to make you complacement not one too heavy to make you bitter, helpless and desperate. I never give you cross you cannot handle and I will always be there to help you.
    Pray, pray unceasingly for my mercy that you might live in your life in such a way that those who might be watching you in these days of trials and despair shall not be led astray. Though doubts and dismay should sometimes enfold you, and hope and relief become dim, remember always that someone has told you to cast your care upon Him.
    Yes as I have promised I will never leave you alone. Though sometimes I do delay in giving an answer rest assured that I will never, never, never forget you. Continue to trust in Me and deepen more faith in my words, “I love you, my child,” for I know you will not fail ME.

Your friend,

Jesus Christ


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