Thank you, Lord….
For all my friends
Who look into my eyes and smile
Or nod at me the door way, or
Wave to me from the distance
Letting me know I’m still around.

Thank you, Lord….
For my bestfriends
Who scold or spoil me with concern,
With whom I can chat and laugh away
My endless woes and anxieties.

Thank you Lord….
For faithful friends who in their
Absence let me know in short missives
Or long letters, somewhere, somehow
I’m being missed.


Thank you Lord….
For my dear friends, who let some
Footprints along my path;
Some maybe light, others vivid,
but all them colored with love
but most of all, Thank You Lord,
 for the greatness of your friendship,
the unfathomable sea of forgiveness.
The bountiful grace of the kindness.

You’ve showered on me through all my days.

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