I Will Be With You

A poem from John Powell the next to it...the third of my favorites...got this in the library way back in high school -- one of the books there or some of the magazines...just inspired reading this kind of poems way back then.


I will be with you, God says,
I am covenanted, committed forever to love you
To do whatever is best for you.

I will be kind, encouraging and enabling;
But I will be challenging.
At times I will come to comfort you
In your afflictions, at times I will afflict you
In your comfort

Whatever I do, it will always be an act of love and an invitation to growth.
I will be with you to illuminate your darkness
To strengthen you weakness
To fill your emptiness
To heal your brokenness
To cure your sickness
To strengthen what may be best in you
To revive whatever good thing may have died in you.

Remain united In me
Accept my love,
Enjoy the warmth of my friendship
Avail yourself of my power
And you will bear much fruit

You will have life in its fullness.

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