"D" Collections on Quotation


Do not do unto others
what you do not want
others do unto you. (Golden Rule)

Disregard what everybody
tells you until you have
thought it through for

Who dares to teach
must never cease to learn.

Diligence is the matter
of good fortune and idleness
never brought
a man to goal of any wishes.

Deliberate with caution, but
act with decision and promptness.

If you dream it, you can do it.

The greater the difficulty, the
more glory in surmounting it.

Delegating means letting others
become the experts and
hence the best.

Drink nothing without sniffing it;
sign nothing without reading it.

Be silent always when you
doubt yourself.

Nothing stable but God all
as pass and die as bubbles
of the sea that the waves break.

Dreams can be realized if
you work hard.

I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand.

There must be a
beginning of any great matter;
but the continuing unto
the end until it be
thoroughly finished
yields the true glory.
        - Sir Francis Drake

Those who shall promote this
devotion shall have their
names written in my heart,
never to be effaced.

To dream of the person
you would like to be
is to waste the person
you are.

Favoritism &
are all against God's law.
No matter what your position
or attitude might be
so be fear for we are called

Never do what you wouldn't
have known.

It is easy to sit up and
take notice. What is difficult
is getting up and taking action.

Short debts  make long friends.

You never know what you can
do without, until you try.

If you only do things you know
well and do comfortably, you'll
never reach higher goals.

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