"E" Collections on Quotation

Expect the unexpected!


The ends must justify the means.

Never beg for that which you
have the power to earn.

Nothing great was ever achieved
without enthusiasm.

Effective managers live in the
present, but concentrate in
the future.

After one who earns comes
one who wastes.

We cannot consider ourselves
to know something unless we
have actually experienced it.

Without ideals, without effort,
without philosophical continuity,
there is no such thing as EDUCATION.

The eyes believe themselves;
the ears believe other 

Eyes are more exact witnesses
than ears.

A moment's insight is
sometimes worth
a life's experience.

Your enemy makes you wise.

Experience is a hard teacher
because she gives the test first,
the lesson afterwards.

To err is human, to forgive
is divine.

We expect something in return
for anything we do. We suffer
not because of the struggle
but because of our expectations.

Experience: that most brutal
of teachers. But you learn,
my God do you learn.
               - C.S. Lewis

Exuberance is beauty.
             - William Blare

Experience is that marvelous
thing that enables you to
recognize a mistake, when
you can make it again.

Envy is a kind of praise.

There is enough for the
needy but not enough for
the greedy.

All things excellent are as
difficult as they are.

Employ men of brains, breeding
and acquaintance.

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