"F" Collections on Quotation

If you're doing your best, you won't
have time to worry about failure.


No failure is ever final...
nor is any success.

Don't let FEAR stand in the way
of your dreams.

The more FRIENDS you have
the more cheerful you are!

Many people will walk in and out of
your life, but only 'true' FRIENDS
will leave footprints in your heart.

The best way to 'predict' the FUTURE
is to create it.

Thy FATE is the common fate of all,
into each life some rain must fall.

FORTUNE is not on the side of
the fainted-hearted (spirit).

The deepest FEELING always
shows itself in silence.

Always FORGIVE your enemies;
nothing annoys so much.

The only thing we know about the
FUTURE is that it is going to be

The FUTURE is made in the present.

The FUTURE comes one day at a time.

FRIENDLY suggestions are as pleasant
as perfume.

Your FAILURE may prove to be an asset,
provided you know why your failed.
If you don't know why you failed, you are
no wiser than when you began!

I am! yet what I am, who cares, or knows?
My FRIENDS forsake me like a memory lost.

I want to tell you just how much your
friendship means to me
And I want to give you, over and over
again everyday...the gift of my
friendship and love.

As warm spring sunrays find
their ways across a chain of
bright new days, and skies have
found a deeper blue, somehow
my thoughts go out to you.

Faith is often the child of fear.

Faith that begins with fear will end up
nearer the Father.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning
of wisdom.
   - the wise man

The language of friendship
is not words but meanings.

A perfect friend only exists in
dreams...but in real life we
should learn to appreciate the one
that comes along...someone not
perfect but real!

Love can make you happy, money
makes the world go round...but
friends, ah....they make life
worth living.

Anyone who hides hatred is a liar.
Anyone who spread gossip is a FOOL.
      - Proverbs 10:18

We cannot change the direction 
of the wind, but we can adjust
our sail to always reach our

There's no shop in the world where we 
can buy Friends. That's why we
treasure them, knowing that we can't
find any replacement over the country.
I'm happy to have you as my friend!

One friend in a lifetime is enough,
two are many;
three are hardly possible.

It's not the presence of a friend that brings
meaning to life. It's the way a friend touches
your heart that gives life a beautiful meaning.

You may hear nothing from me on how
I appreciate you...but beyond that
silence your friendship creates a
beautiful sound in my heart.

Lord, thank you for stitching friends
into the fabric of my life. Their
colorful patterns and
personalities add richness and
texture to who I am. Bless them all!

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