"G" Collections on Quotation

If your main GOAL in life is
to escape worry, you are going to
stay poor.


"GOD" gives every bird its food,
but He does not throw it into its nest.

There is no GAIN without pain.

The 'fear of GOD' is the beginning
of wisdom.

GLORY is fleeting, but obscurity is

Better a government run like hell
by Filipinos than a government
run like heaven by Americans.
     - Manuel L. Quezon

Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a mystery,
and today is a gift
that's why they call it present.
   - Unknown

There are many things only GOD
can do; those He can't, He calls
on you.

So I realized that all we can do is
be happy and do the best we can
while we are still alive. All of us
should eat and drink and enjoy
what we have worked, for it is 
God's gift.
      - Ecclesiastes 3:12-13

It is not enough to do a good
deed. One must do it the right 

The goodness of the people is
the greatest law.

Genius begins great works,
labor alone finishes it.

Go as far as you can see. And
when you get there, you will
see further.

The great are only great because
we carry them on our shoulders.

Without some goal and some
efforts to reach it,
no man can live.

It is better to give than to lend
and it cost about the same.

Every calling is great when
greatly pursued.

Fight for your highest attainable
goal, but never put up resistance in

Gold dust blinds our eyes.

A gem is not polished without
friction, nor a person perfected
without trials.

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