"H" Collections on Quotation

No one is born HAPPY, but all of us
are born with the ability to create

Can I keep you in my HEART?


To HANDLE yourself, use your head.
To handle others, use your heart.

Everything that HAPPENS in this world
happens at the time God chooses.

No one has the right to consume
HAPPINESS without producing it.

If you help others, you will be
helped, perhaps tomorrow,
perhaps in one-hundred years,
but you will be helped.
Nature must pay off the debt...
It is a mathematical law and
all life is mathematics.
       - Gurdjieff

Words that come from the
heart enter the heart.
 - The Sages

They say if one understands himself,
he understands all people. But I say to
you, when no one loves people, he
learns something about himself.
    - Kahlil Gibran

The wiser you are, the more
worries you have; the more you
know, the more it hurts.
     - Ecclesiastes 1:18

Happiness can be thought, taught,
and caught --- but not bought.
     - Unknown

He, who losses money, loses much.
He, who losses friend, loses more.
He, who losses faith, loses all!

Aim high in your career,
but stay humble in your heart.

Honor lies in honest toil.

He who loves his work and knows
to spare, may live and flourish

Home is where the heart is.

Never extend you hand farther
than you can withdraw it.

Better three hours too soon
than a minute too late.

To be humble to superior
is a duty; to equals, courtesy;
to inferiors, nobleness.

One good head is better than
great many minds.

It is only to the happy where
tears is a luxury.

The hand that will help you 
is often at the end of your sleeve.

Anything you're good at
contributes to happiness.

Humility is a virtue, all preach,
none practice and yet everybody
is content to hear.

Hope for the best and prepare
for the worst.

All that is worth cherishing begins
in the hearts.

Happiness is in the comfortable
companionship of friends.

Have a heart that never hardens,
a temper that never tires and a
touch that never hurts.

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