"L" Collections on Quotation

LOVE me for what I am, do not
love me for what I have.


LOVE can wait...

LIFE is what I (we) make it!

LOVE is the reason why Jesus
came to the world.

LOVE is patient.

LOVE your work...

The greatest victory in LIFE is not
falling...but rise everytime we fall.

Nothing in LIFE is to be feared.
It is only to be understood.

LAW cannot persuade where it
cannot punish.

LEARN from other people's mistake.
You can't live long enough to make
them all yourself.

LIFE is a series of 'problems'. Do we
want to moan about them or solve them?

LOVE begets love.

If LIFE had a second edition, how I
would correct the proofs.

LIFE has no security, only opportunity.

A loving heart is a happy heart.

LOVING is like writing...you show love
not to impress but to express.

Those who never LEARN the LESSON of
history were condemned to repeat it.

LOVE does not consist in gazing at each
other but in looking together in the
same direction.

LOVE means never having to say
you're sorry...
    - Eric Segal

Be grateful for luck, but don't depend
on it.
     - William Feather

Never miss a chance to LEARN anything
you can.

We only learn our LIMITS by going
beyond them.

LIFE is God's gift to you.
The way you live it is your
gift to God.
     - Leo Buscaglia

Life is an opportunity -- take it.
Life is a challenge -- face it
Life is a duty -- accomplish it
Life is beautiful -- admire it
Life is a blessing -- relish it
Life is precious -- preserve it
Life is a promise -- achieve it
Life is adventure -- risk it
Life is a hymn -- sing it
Life is happiness -- merit it
Life is life -- depend on it.
        - Mother Theresa

Man in search for meaning in life...

The most difficult thing in life
is to know yourself.
           - Thales

Life with God is life with sense or essence.

There are two ways of spreading light: to
be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
       - Edith Wharton

Life Should Be Out Of The Fast Lane.
In this world, you are like playing chess.
You should fight and endure the ordeals
in life. Strive not yield when trials block
your path toward success, like gold
which can be tested its purity by fire.

When you find Love, treasure it,
take care of it, be true to it and
make good use of it because love
comes unseen. You can only see it
when it's gone.

The magic of first love is our
ignorance that it never ends.

Learning is a treasure that follows
its owner everywhere.

Life can only be understood
backwards; but must be lived

Love is blind; friendship closes
it's eyes.

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