"M" Collections on Quotation

No Man is an Island.


Machine should works.
People should think.

Great minds, discuss ideas.
Average minds, discuss events.
Small minds, discuss people.

Management is nothing more than
motivating people.

Man is still the most extraordinary
computer of all.

All the mistakes I ever made were
when I wanted to say "No" and
said "Yes".

A man is known by his conduct
to his wife, to his family, and to those
under him.

Save money, and money will save you.

The 'superior man' is modest in his
speech, but surpassing in his action.

The 'mistakes of others' are
good teachers.

'Great men' are more distinguished by
range and extent, than by originality.

A man must make his opportunity
as often as he can find it.

...as you often are, and I started wondering
how you're doing, and what's new 
in your life...I really miss you!!!

Millionaires could be very poor.

A man watches himself best
when other men watch him, too.

are made up
of sunshine and love birds;
of walks along the shore
as the sun sets
and the cool winds
kissing your face;
picnics and parties;
singing in the rain;
of laughter once more;
of chocolate and ice cream,
showers and backrubs;
of winning the day,
or that special phone call;
of the warmest smiles
and tender hugs;
of family togetherness;
friends and more friends;
a new born's touch;
the sweetest kiss,
moments are made up of these,
and so much more.

Music is a higher revelation
than philosophy.
                     - Beethoven

Money is an article which
may be used as a universal
passport to everywhere
except heaven, and as a
universal provider of
everything except happiness.

Learn from other people's mistake.

As long as man stands in his
own way, everything seems to be
in his way.

He who does not mix the crowd
knows nothing.

Money grows on the tree
of patience.

When you have money, think of
the time when you have none.

Never say you know a man
until you have divided an
inheritance with him.

Make a living by what we get;
we make life by what we give.

Man is nothing else but what
he makes himself.

What is told in one man's ear
is often heard a hundred miles away.

The meek is known in anger,
a hero in war, and a friend
in time of need.

The man that makes no mistake
does not usually make anything.

You can close your eyes to reality
but not to memories.

The true measure of love
is love without measure.

If you can't make a mistake,
you can't make anything.

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