"R" Collections on Quotation

Giving reference to the poor…

It is a rough road that leads
to the height of greatness.

The greatest reward for a
man’s toil is not what he gets
From it, but what he becomes by it.

To know the road ahead, ask those
coming back.

If you refuse to accept anything
but the best, you very often get it.

No matter how far you have travelled
the wrong road, turn back.

He who has a reason to live for
can bear almost anyhow.

If you do not know where you are
going, every road will get you nowhere.

A person usually has two reasons
for doing something, a good reason
and the real reason.

A rose is nature’s fairest…
each bud in its perfection,
holds promise that a lovely
bloom will each sun’s

A sweet repose is found in the
arms of death.

Revenge is sweet, for forgiveness

is the best revenge.

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