"S" Collections on Quotation

If you must let SOMEONE down,
be sure it is not the friend who
helped you up when you were down!


Today, give a stranger one of your
SMILES. It might be the only sunshine he
see’s all day.

SCIENCE has not found yet
a substitute for God.

Whoever causes one of those little ones
who believe in me to SIN, it would be better
for him to have a great millstone hung
around his neck and be drowned in the
depths of the sea.

Don’t aim at SUCCESS – the more
you aim at it and make it a target,
the more you are going to miss it.
for success, like happiness, cannot be
pursued; it must be ensue … as the
unintended side-effect of one’s personal
dedication to a course greater than
             -Viktor Frankl (Man Search for Meaning…)

When you want to be SOMETHING;
work for it.

Nobody ever outgrows SCRIPTURE;
the book widens and deepens with our years.
                  -Charles Spurgeon

Shallow men believe in luck;
strong men believe in cause and effect.

Silence is one of the hardest arguments
to refute.

There is no shortage of talent.
there’s only shortage of talent that
can’t recognize talent.

Shared joy is double joy;
shared sorrow is half sorrow.

Small opportunities are often the
beginning of great enterprises.

Silence means consent.

What soberness conceals,
drunkenness reveals.

If you tell your secret to your
servant, you have made him your

Don’t wait for your ship to come in;
swim out to it.

All strategy depends on competition.

There’s no sweet without sweat.

The secret of life is never to be
in the way of others.

It is always the secure who
are humble.

One must step back to make
a better leap.

There is no security on this earth;
there is only opportunity.

Some men succeed by what they
know; some by what they do;
and a few by what they are.

Be always sure you’re right,
then go ahead.

Smile shows our affection
its meaningful expression.

Strike while the iron is hot.

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