ADDITIONALS: Quotations About God, Love, Friends and Life

A good friend is like a computer; He ‘enters’ your life, ‘save’ you in his heart, ‘format’ your problems, ‘shifts’ you to opportunity and never ‘delete’ you from his ‘memory’.


Heart could only love for a while…Feet could only walk some mile…Clothes won’t forever be in style…but God’s love for you lasts until the end of time.

Don’t close your eyes to the one who opened your heart! Flowers will die, waters will dry, but a loyal friend will never say goodbye.

Friendship is a chain of gold, each links a smile, a laugh, a tear, a grip of hand, a word of cheer. No matter how heavy the load. Hope to be your friend ‘til we grow old.

Friendship is like a tree. It’s not measured on how tall it could be, but on how the roots have grown deeply.

Happiness is never lost if you just know where to look for it. It’s always in your heart. Give those you love a big hug and the sweetest kiss, to remind them of your love. Never take a moment for granted ‘cause at the blink of an eye, you could lose them forever…

Because words don’t say it all, I wanna give you this…mmmmmm (hug) for you
to know how grateful I am to have a friend like you.

Happiness keeps you sweet…Trials make you strong…Sorrows keep you human…Failure keep you humble…Success make you eager…Love keeps you going…

What is life without someone to love? What is love without someone to share? What is sharing without someone to care? What is caring without a friend? What is a friend without you?

Care is the main ingredient that keeps friendship alive. Care sustains love,
since I can’t see you, let my care be with you.

Cherish things while you still have them, not when they’re gone, life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forward. STAY HAPPY.

This is a bridge. When you are alone and lonely, cross it…I’ll wait for you on the other side. If you’re afraid, just tell me. I’ll cross it for you.

I’ll be your friend, your forever friend. Until north of night, until south of sun,
until somewhere…west of morning, east of forever.

Hello! Whatever mood you are in, stay cool…stay fresh…face the day with a smile.

Time and distance are important between friends, when friend is in your heart, they remain there forever…! May be so busy, but I assure you you’re always in my heart.

I ask the Lord to keep you safe at all times and bless you constantly. May you always be healthy and happy, ‘cause you deserve it.

Friendship is an unwritten…promise…it is not given by any pledge nor written on any paper, instead it is a promise based on value and trust written in the heart.

Friendship knows no season, knows no time. It has a sole intention of bringing people together to a time called FOREVER.

The perfect friend only exist in dreams…but in real life, we should learn to appreciate that come along…someone not perfect but real…Just like you.

I don’t regret the things I have done nor the things I didn’t do, for somewhere along the way, I must have done something right ‘cause I ended up knowing you…

The essence of friendship is not the smile and gestures we give but a feeling when you discover that someone believed in you and willing to trust you.

If I can only reach the rainbow, I will pull it down and put your name in it and put it back to the sky, so people will know how colorful my life having a friend
like you.

Our lives are like roads we travel, some smooth, others rough, some we’d rather forget. But if there’s one road I don’t regret passing, it’s the road where we met.

I believe that God created you to be my friend. He picked you out from all the rest because He knows you’re the best.

It’s magic how friendship begins…It’s always a mystery how it grows…I’m truly happy to have you as my friend and that’s how its gonna be ‘till the end.

A friend is an angel. Someone that’s true. An angel I love and who loves me too. Someone who cries in everything I do, a friend, an angel to me. That’s you!

Friendship enhances love, the right moment of loving is when both feel the sweetness of being friends.

In life, there are five balls to juggle: FAMILY, FRIENDS, HEALTH, WORK and SPIRITUAL LIFE. Among them only work are made of rubber; the others are 
made of glass. Don’t drop any.

What is most valuable in our lives is not what we have but who we have in our lives.

A person like you is a gift that points a smile in my heart. It gives memories that will stay in me not only for a while but for a lifetime.

I may not be the ‘perfect friend’ that you’ve looking for…not even the ‘best’ among them all…but surely I’m a friend who always care.

Warm hugs are given for certain achievements or occasions, but the sweetest ones are given for no reason but just to make someone feel you care.

I choose to love you in silence, for in silence I find no rejection. I choose to love you in your loneliness for in your loneliness no one owns you but me…
                                                                 Jesus Christ

I’m a cop and you’re under arrest for being what you are. It’s illegal to be sweet and friendly as you are! I hereby sentence you to a lifetime  imprisonment in my heart!

‘Friends’ are part of our memories that time can never erase, and when I’m blessed with friends like you, my memories are worth keeping forever.

Laugh at your mistakes, but learn from them; sake over your troubles, but gather strength from them. Have fun with your difficulties, but overcome them.

One of my greatest blessings is the blessing of having you. I may not see, talk, and keep in touch as often as I want, but I simply know in my heart you’re my friend.

Happiness is never lost if you just know where to look for it. It’s always in your heart.

People come and go through out lives, one a lot like another, and then you came into my life, someone who is special and unique. I’m proud to call you my friend.

Time will tell up to when our friendship would last but I’ll tell you this, I’ll always be your friend more than a clock could ever count!

Give those you love a big hug and the sweetest kiss to remind them of your love. Never take a moment for granted ‘cause at the blink of an eye, you could lose them forever….

Learn to love the people who are with you at present and forget the people 
in the past, but thank them for hurting you which lead you to love the people
you have right now.

Every life in this world was written by God’s own hands. That’s why I am thankful because as He wrote my life. He included you as a part of me!

Sometimes, we look far to find that one person we could share our lives with, 
without realizing that oftentimes they’re just in front of us loving us quietly all this time…

If I write your name on a tree, I’ll put a circle around your name, not a heart 
because a heart can be broken, but a circle never ends…that’s how I love you.

Friendship is a deep word with deep responsibility; I don’t just treasure friends, I value them as I value my life…so when I say you’re my friend, it’s as good as saying “You’re my life”.

Upon sleeping, if you hear me, I’ll say goodnight. If you’re beside me, I’ll kiss you goodnight. But since we are far from each other, I’ll just send my angels to kiss you and tell you goodnight.

When you love somebody…prepare yourself to be hurt…no matter how painful it is, the important things are you share and you experience to love and be loved.

Good people will be remembered as blessings. There are very few as precious as you and that’s the very special reason why I keep in touch with you.

If I could wish a life for you, a life that you deserve…it would be a life as good as your heart, as bright as your smile, and as wonderful as you are.

Someday when the page on the book of my life runs out, I know you’re the most colorful chapter I ever had and if it be opened again, I’ll start it the moment I know you!

Never say “I Love You” when you don’t even care. Never talk about feeling if they aren’t there. Never touch a heart if you mean to break it. Never look in the eyes if all you have to say is a lie and never say hello if you mean goodbye.

Love is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But if you let it fly, it would come to you when the least you expect it.

Love knows no reasons, love knows no lie, love defies all reasons, love has no eyes but love is not blind, they can see but they don’t mind.

Love is not how you forget but rather how you forgive. It is not how you listen but how you understand; not by what you say; but what you do and not what you receive but what you give.

Love is like a box of chocolate, it melts easily like sa and ra’s,  not smooth like toblerone, breaks easily like kitkat and always need a time out.

You can close your eyes with the things you don’t wanna see but you can never close your heart with the things you don’t wanna feel.

Love is a garden in need of gentle tending, but for those who give it time and care, its joys are never ending.

A good friend is hard to find, they’re rare and one of a kind. I don’t care if
I had only a few at least I had the best one…You!

Friends are little angels brought to us by God. They walk with us through good and bad times, they shelter us from all the hurts and pains, most of all they treasure us with love.

Friends are the best part of our lives and the best vitamin for making friend is vitamin B1. Thanks for being 1.

In my eyes, I saw a friend, in my mind, I thought of a friend. In my sleep, I dream of a friend, in my heart, I keep a friend, I keep you…and I’ll keep you ‘til the end.

A friend is like a computer that ‘save’ you in trouble, ‘enter’ good advices, ‘e-mail’ an Inspirational thought, ‘delete’ bad mood, ‘monitor’ problems.

A woman of intelligence is admired. A woman of wealth is envied. A woman of power is feared. But, only a woman of substance is loved. God bless!

Some friends are meant to be thrown, some are to be keep, and some are to be assured. I think you’re the one to be thrown…wait! In the assure box to be keep forever.

Hope you wake up today with sunlight, in your heart…success in your path…answers to your prayers…and that smile…always there in your eyes…Good morning!

The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people.
                                                                             -G.K. Chesterton

Don’t talk unless you can improve the silence.
                                    -Vermont Proverb

A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.
                                                                          -Theodore Roosevelt

The Scriptures teach us the best way of living, the noblest way of suffering, and the most comfortable way of dying.
                                                                -John Flavel

When you have read the Bible, you will know it Is the Word of God, because you will have found it the key to your own heart, your own happiness and your own duty.
                                                                                    -Woodrow Wilson

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
                                                               - Assop

Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.

No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death.

Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.

The more flesh, the more worms. The more possessions, the more worry.

Perseverance is more prevailing than violence; and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together, yield themselves up when taken little by little.

Any one thing in the creation is sufficient to demonstrate a Providence to a humble and grateful mind.

Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.
                                                 -Publilius Syrus

Truth does not blush.

It is worse still to be ignorant of your ignorance.
                                              -St. Jerome

There’s not one thing that you can’t get for yourself, if you really want to.

Familiarity sometimes renders people physically invisible, for you find yourself talking to the heart, rather than to the face.
                                                                    -Michael Welzenbach

Hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.
                                                -George Bernard Shaw

Millions say the people tell but Newton was the one to ask why.
                                                            -Bernard M. Baruch

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
                                                                  -Helen Keller

Tyrants have not yet discovered any chains that can fetter the mind.
                                                                      -Charles Colton

What no wife of a writer can ever understand is that a writer is working when he’s  staring out the window.
                                                               -Burton Rascoe

The fellow who never makes a mistake takes his orders from one who does.
                                                                         -Herbert V. Prochnow

One man with courage makes a majority.
                   - Andrew Jackson

The end of reading is not more books but more life.
                                                        -Holbrook Jackson

Even though it is impossible to prove the reality of God, it is still remains 
possible for everyone to find the reality of God.
                                                           -Willhelm Herrmann

The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion.
                                                   -Arnold H. Glasow

I was born to a woman I never knew and raised by another who took in orphans. I do not know my background, my lineage, my biological or cultural heritage. But when I meet someone new, I treat them with respect. For after all, they could be my people.
                                                        -James Michener

Since the beginning each generation has fought nature. Now, in the life span of a single generation, we must turn around 180 degree and become the protector of nature.
                                                              -Jacques Yves Cousteau

Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.
                                                       -Eric Hoffer

Learning music by reading about it is like making love by mail.
                                                                    -Luciano Pavarotti

There is nothing in which the birds differ more from man than the way in which
 they can build and yet leave a landscape as it was before.
                                                                 -Robert Lynd

Most people want to be delivered from temptation but would like to keep in touch.
                                                                                      -Robert Orben

Duty is a very personal thing. It is what comes from knowing the need to take
action and not just a need to urge others to do something.
                                                              -Mother Teresa

Familiarity, truly cultivated, can breed love.
                                             -Joyce Brothers

It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.
                                                                 -Andre Gide

By perseverance the snail reached the ark.
                                       -Charles Haddon Spurgeon

To say the right thing at the right time, keep still most of the time.
                                                               -John W. Roper

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