If I Could Have Only One Friend in Life..,This Valentine’s Day..I’d Choose You…(Donna Fargo)

If all the people that I know
Deserted me, I don’t believe you would.
If people I trusted disappointed me,
I don’t think you would be one of them.
We’ve come too far together; we’ve braved too much stuff,
And I think we can depend on one another.
There are many people in my life, who mean a lot to me,
But if I could have only one friend in life,
I want you to know that I’d choose you…

I know that you have, as I do, many
Acquaintances and friends, and each
Of them holds a special place in our
Hearts. We may enjoy talking to one about serious things, shopping with another
And hanging around with others at work.
But all in all, I find myself feeling more
Comfortable with you than many others, and
I want you to know that if I could
Have only one friend in life, I’d choose you.

I hope you know that I sincerely want the best for you and will always do whatever I can to help you when you need me. I wish you joy and peace and love in your life. I hope your dreams are coming true and you’re reaching your goals with satisfaction. I really appreciate your friendship. It has stood the test of time and continues to be an important anchor in my life.
I care about you,
And I hope you
Know by now
That if I could have only one friend in life…

I’d choose you…

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