Let My Life be a Song of Love and Gratitude

Dearest Lord,
None of the finest words I know will ever seem to say
Just how much you mean to me, how much I love you
And how much I wish to thank you.
I once was that lost, restless soul
Searching for something I could not seem to place
Searching for myself, searching for life’s meaning
But You seemed so far away then, so out of my reach.
Still my restless and lonely soul
Cried out to You in fervent prayer
In quiet solitude, in patient waiting.
Until You gazed down from heaven
And found this poor, restless and lonely soul.
You came to soothe the pain, the emptiness,
The misery, the heartache.
You helped me find myself and suddenly
Life had so much meaning and love.
How can I ever thank you, Lord
My words cannot seem to be enough for you.
You’ve changed my life, You’ve change my goals,
You’ve change my ways
You’ve given me so much love in my heart
So much peace and so much joy.
My heart wants to keep on praising
But my words, Lord, will never be enough
So just let my life be my song, dearest Lord
My song of joy, my song of peace
My song of love and gratitude.

I love you my Dearest Lord. Amen.


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