It’s Too Late

 You’re always within my sight
That is why
I don’t think of you at night
You’re always within my reach
That is why I’ve never searched

Your love is never wanted
So I took you for granted,
But what is this I feel?
Is this feelings for real?

But it’s too late for me to realize,
That it is really you all the while
Now it would be too late
For what you feel for me now is hate.


I’m sorry for all the crazy things
I’ve made
I never meant to hurt you,
I never realized you could
Waiting for the thing I denied.

Every night I cry,
Asking myself why,
Why it had to be this way
That you have gone away.

I should have loved you
I should have cared for you
Now, it’s too late

And I regret it.

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