Love Struck Possession (Unarranged)

We cannot gain if we do not let go. For there is no love without tears, no happiness without sacrifice, and no forever without good-byes.

It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is most painful is to love and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel.

If I’m only an angel, I’ll watch over you, be beside you when you feel cold, give you my wings if you want to be free, and even sacrifice my own eternity. But I’m only a mortal and all I can give you is love.


Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea what you feel.

It’s so sad to be with someone you thought you love, only to realize later that your heart still belongs and will always long for the person you left behind.

Admiration: when lost, can find a new one. Feelings: when lost, may never come back. Trust: when lost, is hard to regain. Love: when lost, wasn’t loved at all.

The great discovery friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

Remember: you don’t always get what you want, you don’t always get what you need, but you should always get what you deserve.
When my pen fell, you got it for me. When my books fell, you helped me carry them. When my tears fell, you wiped them for me. But if I fall for you, will you catch me?

Words and hearts should be handled with care, for words when spoken and hearts when broken are the hardest things to repair.

If kisses were water, I’d give you the sea. If hugs were leaves, I’d give you a tree. If spaces were love, I’d give you eternity. And if you’re and sincere to me, I’ll keep all my love to thee.

You’ll learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh, but you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry.

It’s hard to find true love because people are too caught up looking for the perfect person. They don’t realize that love is not finding the perfect person but being perfect for someone else.

How else would you win if you don’t take chances? You don’t lose by giving you’ll lose by holding back.

Never try to impress someone to make him or her fall in love with you cause when you do, you will keep the standard for the rest of you life.

If you have a reason why you love a person, then you are using your mind. But if you love a person with no reason at all then you are using your heart.

True love is not when the heart beats faster or fastest but when it beats no more and yet the love is still there.

Love is not a word to say when we feel guilty or the right word to say when you like a person. But love really matters when we share our thoughts, minds and hearts.

We are sometimes afraid to say, “I love you” instead we say, “I miss you” but often misunderstood-leaving the ones we love on which we don’t realize that they are also feeling the same way you do.

Never rush in love for it never runs out, let love be the one to look for you, so when you started to fall you will always know that your feeling is sure.

Love drives you crazy, it makes you mad, jealous, sad, it even causes you sleepless nights, breaks your heart. Well, come to think of it. It is healthy to fall in love?

Never take the person you love for granted because you have never known what you have ‘till it’s gone.

Love not because the person is the only one but because the person is the only one but because the person is the one you are willing to give up everything because it’s worth fighting for.

It’s hard to pretend you love someone that you don’t. But it’s harder to pretend you don’t love someone that you really do. For what’s on your mind may escape, but what’s in your heart will remain forever.

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