What Love is All About!


      Love can never be so beautiful without friendship…one leads to another and the process is irreversible…the best of lovers is the greatest of friends.
      When you love someone, don’t expect that person to love you back the same amount. One of you will be ahead, the other behind. It’s either you catch up of the other waits.
      Never be afraid to fall in love. It may hurt a lot, it may give you aches and pains, but if you don’t follow your heart, in the end you will cry even more for not giving love a chance.
      Love is not a feeling, it’s a commitment. Feeling comes & goes.
      Love doesn’t have to have ending, because love doesn’t have to end at all.
      True love hears what is not spoken, and understands what is not explained, for love doesn’t work in the mouth, not the mind, but in the heart…
      When you love, you must not expect anything in return, for if you do, you’re not loving but investing. If you love, you must prepare to accept pain, for if you expect happiness, you’re not loving but using…
      It’s better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than lose that someone you love with your useless pride.
      How can I say goodbye to someone I never had? Why do tears fall for someone who was never mine? Why is that I miss someone I was never with and I ask why I love someone who’s love was never mine?
      It’s hard for two people to love each other when they live in two different worlds…but when these two worlds collide and become one, that’s what you call…magic!
      Don’t love a person like a flower, because a flower dies in season. Love them like a river cause a river flows forever.
      Love may leave your heart like shattered glass, but keep in mind that there’s someone who’ll be willing to endure the pain of picking up the pieces so you could be whole again.
      Love, no matter how hard you find it, you won’t see it…no matter how hard you try, you won’t get it, but when you’re about to give up, it comes.
      Love has its own time, season and own reasons. You can’t ask it to stay. You can only embrace it as it comes and be glad that for a moment in your life, it was yours.
      In relationships, thank God when you’re hurting or crying. There you are given the chance to measure the importance of the relationship of the person and of yourself…then you grow.
      Sometimes the love we are looking for is right in front of us – too close for the eyes to see. So close to your eyes and let your heart see for itself.
      It is better not to have the persons you love right now, but have them later than to be with them now but lose them forever.
      The time you spend with the one you love is more important than the amount of money you spend on him or her.
      When one falls in love too deeply, one tends to use too much heart. Try to balance the mind and the heart always. Remember, passion fades but true love remains.
      Its okay to kiss a fool or let a fool kiss you but never let a kiss fool you.
      Don’t find love. Let it find you. That’s why it is called “falling in love” because you don’t force yourself to fall. You just fall.
      Never be ashamed to show love when you feel it because one day you might realize that love is already afraid to show itself to you. Girls are like angels, they easily forgive & forget while guys are like devils, they easily get and forget.
      If you heart gets broken by the time you truly love, don’t let go of the love of the person. You’ll never know love might be sweeter the second time around.
      Never frown because you never know if someone is falling in love with you, with your smile.
      When I saw you, I was afraid to look at you. When I looked at you, I was afraid to touch you. When I touched you, I was afraid to kiss you and I was afraid to love you. And now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.
      When you love someone, be ready to take the intensity of emotions. Be jealous, anxious, love you like. Take the person in everything that comes with it. Just make sure the person is worth it.
      It’s better to love for a minute and remember it for a lifetime, than love for a lifetime and hate every minute of it.
      Love is too strong a word, to say too early, but has a beautiful meaning to it too late.
      People are never perfect but love can be. So why waste your time looking for the perfect lover instead of creating a perfect love.
      Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person and to love somebody isn’t just a strong feeling. It’s a decision, a judgment and a promise meant to be kept.
      To dream – it’s the source of inspiration. To laugh – it’s the music for the soul. To love – it’s the ultimate joy life can give. To pray it’s the key to everything good.
      A true great love can bear the pain and longitude of waiting even it takes forever.

      If your head tells you one thing and your heart tells you another thing before you decide, you should first think whether you have a better head or heart.

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